Form Builder
An easy to use form builder with customizable fields:
Create multiple forms and form fields.
Dropdown, checkbox, file upload, date and more fields.
Add costs for certain form inputs.
Multiple registrations at once with different fields.

Collect and Manage Payments
Collect event registration payments with tons of options:
Collect event payments directly on your website.
Use PayPal, Stripe, iDEAL or WooCommerce.
Add costs for certain form inputs.
Vary costs for different types of registrations.

Email Confirmations and Alerts
Build customizable emails for confirmation and notifications:
Use placeholders for data and links.
Reuse messages for different events.
Configure alerts for many actions.
Schedule automatic messages as event reminders.

Full Control Registration Management
Manage registration in the WordPress dashboard:
Add, edit, delete, and transfer registration records.
Export registration data to a spreadsheet.
Manually email one or all attendees.
Browse records with search and a familiar card layout.

Customize Each Event's Registration
Build customizable emails for confirmation and notifications:
Customize the capacity and deadlines.
Create multiple registration types.
Set a custom form and confirmation email.
Configure payment settings per event.

Users and Membership Site Specific Features
Integrate your membership site with event registration:
Show list of events registered for.
Restrict registration based on membership level.
Prefill or collect new membership data.
Automatically create new users/members.