is a filter for dynamically altering form fields.
<?php add_filter( 'rtec_fields_attributes', 'function_name' ); ?>
1.0 – introduced
2.0 – introduced
Example: Dynamically Set Checkbox Options Based On Custom Fields
Step 1) Create the custom field and record the label to use later
Step 2) Create a form field of the type checkbox and record the unique key highlighted in the following image
Step 3) Use this code making sure the array keys match (in our example, “time-selection”)
function ru_dynamic_field( $field_attributes ) {
// only bother trying to change the field if it exists in the form
if ( isset( $field_attributes['time-selection'] ) ) {
// get the option that stores The Events Calendar Pro's custom fields data
$tribe_custom_fields = tribe_get_option( 'custom-fields', false );
foreach ( $tribe_custom_fields as $custom_field ) {
// only use the array item if the label matches the custom field you want to use
if ( $custom_field['label'] === 'Time Selection' ) {
// create an array of value from the raw values
$values_array = explode( "\n", $custom_field['values'] );
// clear out any existing options
$field_attributes['time-selection']['meta']['options'] = array();
//$field_attributes['district']['meta']['options'][] array(
// $label,
// $value_if_selected,
// $pre_selected
// )
foreach ( $values_array as $value )
$field_attributes['time-selection']['meta']['options'][] = array(
trim( $value ),
trim( $value ),
return $field_attributes;
add_filter( 'rtec_fields_attributes', 'ru_dynamic_field', 10, 1 );
Example: Dynamically Set Field Label Based On Custom Fields for Event
Step 1) Create the custom field and record the “Input field name” to use later
Step 2) Create a custom field, make a note of the “name” that you use.
Step 3) Use this code making sure the array keys and the name of the custom field match (in our example, “dynamic” and “nameoffield”)
function ru_dynamic_custom_field( $field_attributes ) {
if ( isset( $field_attributes['dynamic'] ) ) {
$event_id = get_the_ID();
if ( !empty( $event_id ) ) {
$event_post_meta = get_post_meta( $event_id, 'nameoffield', true );
$field_attributes['dynamic']['label'] = $event_post_meta;
return $field_attributes;
add_filter( 'rtec_fields_attributes', 'ru_dynamic_custom_field', 10, 1 );