= 2.28.1 November 7, 2024 =
* Tweak: When editing a registration in the admin area, it’s now easier to use the values from a multi-choice field.
* Tweak: Added the payment gateway and amount due as data available in reports
* Fix: Fixed the email placeholder {event-url} not working in some emails.
* Fix: Fixed an issue causing the guest field value when editing a connected guest to be incorrect.
* Fix: Changed the automatic cancellation of pending registrations to never cancel a registration in which payment had been completed.
* Fix: Fixed incorrect start and end dates for events in registration reports.
* Fix: Fixed a fatal error caused by a missing file that would occur in rare circumstances.
= 2.28 August 26, 2024 =
* New: Bulk importing registrations from a .csv file will now automatically detect user’s email addresses and assign the user to the registration.
* New: Manual emails sent from the Registrations tab will be sent in batches to prevent hitting rate limits from SMTP services.
* Tweak: iCal export files from email messages for connected series will contain all events in the series.
* Tweak: Scheduled messages will also be sent from the event specific confirmation from address if it has been set.
* Tweak: The waiting list will not process if it has been disabled for the event.
* Fix: Fixed a bug that would cause the attendance count to be double what it should be based on registrations.
* Fix: Several improvements for how email messages are handled by WPML for multi-language sites.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause the logged out visitor editing feature to not work correctly.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause unconfirmed registrations to appear in the check-in list.
* Fix: Several fixes for translations.
= 2.27 June 11, 2024 =
* New: Added a setting for preset scheduled messages. Create a preset message that will be automatically assigned to all new events. Configure on the “Email” tab.
* New: Added a PHP hook “rtec_email_reply_to” to allow custom reply to email headers.
* Fix: Fixed a compatibility issue with The Events Calendar’s Elementor integration.
* Fix: Fixed a few issues with scheduling messages for an event series to make it more reliable.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause the complete payment button to show up under the wrong circumstances.
* Fix: Plugin hardening.
= 2.26.1 April 24, 2024 =
* Fix: Fixed a PHP error that would prevent some events from updating.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause the complete payment button to be available when it wasn’t needed.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause the confirmation email to send both before and after payment was completed.
* Fix: Fixed the unregister success message not using placeholders correctly.
= 2.26 April 18, 2024 =
* New: The “parent” registration can now be edited when editing a connected guest registration.
* New: Added a new page to view and manage all scheduled messages.
* New: When canceling a group of connected registrations, users can now choose to cancel individual registrations rather than the whole group.
* Tweak: Added PHP hook ‘rtec_should_cancel_after_refund’ to allow for custom logic to determine if a registration should be canceled after a refund.
* Tweak: Added PHP hook ‘rtec_after_payment_success’ to allow for custom logic after a successful PayPal payment.
* Tweak: Added PHP hook ‘rtec_after_manual_payment’ to allow for custom logic after a manual payment is triggered.
* Tweak: Changed how reports are exported due to users facing issues with .csv files not opening correctly.
* Fix: Fixed an issue with connected guest registrations inheriting a checkbox value from the registration form when it wasn’t supposed to.
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause people registering to not be prompted to pay for registration even when there was a cost.
* Fix: Fixed the connected guest summary to not include information about the current connected guest in reference.
* Fix: Fixed an issue causing waiting list settings not to apply correctly to connected series of events.
* Fix: Fixed issues with the scheduled messages not working reliably for connected events.
* Fix: Fixed several deprecation notices for PHP 8.1+.
* Translations: Added Japanese translation files.
= 2.25 January 15, 2024 =
* New: Added a feature to allow bulk importing of registrations from a .csv file. Go to the “detailed view” of an event while on the registrations tab and use the related button.
* New: Added a within event search feature. Search for specific people in your events using a handy search box found in the “detailed view” for that event.
* New: The waiting list addition notification email can now be edited. Find this setting on the “Email” tab.
* New: An editable confirmation email is now sent to people joining the waiting list for an event. Configure this on the “Email” tab.
* Tweak: Added a setting to hide the currency code seen in the checkout table. Go to the Payments settings page to toggle the related setting.
* Tweak: Allowed placeholders in manual payment instructions that appear after registration.
* Fix: Single checkbox field data was being inherited by a connected guest’s form submission when the checkbox was left unchecked.
* Fix: Fixed an issue causing registrations to not be confirmed after registration when payment was disabled for an event and there was a cost.
= 2.24.4 November 9, 2023 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would cause connected guests to have incorrect information prefilling some fields.
* Fix: Fixed an issue causing custom fields not to be prefilled.
* Fix: Made further improvements to properly detecting and fixing a rare double attendee count issue.
= 2.24.3 September 22, 2023 =
* Fix: Form fields were not being pre-filled with user information even when it was available.
* Fix: Fixed users being able to edit form submissions even when this was disabled in settings but were able to cancel a registration.
* Fix: Fixed an error that would occur in PHP 8.1+ “Error Unsupported operand types: string / int” when using the multiple venues and tiers feature.
= 2.24.2 September 19, 2023 =
* Fix: Fixed an issue that would prevent add-ons from updating when using a bundled license.
= 2.24.1 September 13, 2023 =
* Fix: The email settings for the unregistration notification email were not applying properly.
* Fix: Fixed rare issue affecting connected event series that would cause the attendee account to double
= 2.24 August 12, 2023 =
* New: Complete update of the PHP code that handles users. This allowed for easier integration with membership features.
* New: Added support for our paid extension to integrate with Paid Memberships Pro.
* New: Added support for multiple venues in email messages. Just add a dash plus the ordinal number of the additional venue (i.e. venue-2, venue-address-2).
* New: Added support for sending unregistration confirmations when sending manual emails.
* New: Added a separate setting for the message that registration was closed due to the event capacity being reached. Previously this message applied when either the event was full or the registration deadline had passed.
* Fix: Fixed a PHP error that would occur when exporting registrations for a single event under certain circumstances.
= 2.23 = July 17, 2023
* New: Connected guests can now register for a different venue or tier. Enable the setting found on the “Form” tab “Multiple Venues and Tiers” section.
* New: Added the ability to copy a registration to another event. Use the “Transfer” button when managing registrations and select the option to copy instead of transfer selected registrations to another event.
* New: Added the ability for attendees of a connected series to check in for each event in the series even if a single registration record is connected to all events in the series.
* New: Registrations that are “abandoned” due to changes to a series of recurring events can be recovered using our new abandoned registration tools. If there is a qualifying registration record you will see an “Abandoned” tab on the registration overview page.
* New: Added a minimum and maximum year option for date fields.
* Tweak: Date fields are now “read only” so the date picked cannot be directly changed without using the date picker.
* Tweak: Date fields will update as soon as the month or year is changed to prevent confusion with how the date picking tool works.
* Tweak: Changed HTML and CSS related to the MVT fields in the registration form to appear centered in a cleaner way.
* Tweak: All email based unregistration links require confirmation when clicked. This is to prevent email providers from checking links and triggering inadvertent registration cancellations.
* Tweak: When using the “My Events” feature, the status of the registrant will be noted.
* Fix: Fixed several issues with the scheduling of automatic messages for recurring events in a series
* Fix: The start date, end date, title, and venue in automatic messages for recurring events would be incorrect at times
* Fix: Fixed issues with connected recurring event settings changes not being applied properly.
* Fix: Fixed issues with connected series events not showing registrations.
* Fix: Fixed missing setting for the text “Edit Registration”.
= 2.22.8 = April 11, 2023
* Fix: Pending registrations in which the registrant did not complete payment were not automatically being unregistered.
* Fix: Fixed notification email would only include one attachment when there were multiple file upload fields in a form.
* Fix: Fixed an undefined index PHP error that would occur when saving a draft event or publishing a draft.
= 2.22.7 = March 14, 2023
* Tweak: If a registration has a status other than “confirmed” there will be an alert above the title of all events shown with the “My Events” feature.
* Fix: Fixed inability to edit registration settings for a connected series under certain circumstances. Now editing an event in a connected series will always apply changes to all connected events.
* Fix: When sending a manual email for an event in a connected series, the start date and end date used the wrong event context.
* Fix: Automatic messages for connected series would not always be scheduled as expected.
= 2.22.6 = February 24, 2023
* Fix: When using the connected events setting for a series of events, the event data in email messages would always be related to the first event in the series.
* Fix: Registering for the waiting list and having the confirmation condition set to “Registers and verifies an email address” would cause the email to verify an email address not to send.
* Fix: The button text setting when registering for the waiting list would not work.
* Fix: Verifying an email address to confirm a registration would send the notificaiton email twice.
* Fix: Enabling the setting “Always send notification email immediately” Would cause no notification email to be sent when the confirmation condition was set to “registers”.
= 2.22.5 = February 14, 2023
* New: Added a setting to allow a manual payment confirmation message to be sent when manual payments are considered “pending”
* Fix: Always send notification email immediately setting was not working correctly.
* Fix: Fixed several issues causing automatic messages scheduled for all events in an event series to be unreliably scheduled.
* Fix: Fixed an issue allowing too many registrations for a tier that had limited capacity when two registrations occurred at the same time.
* Fix: Fixed bulk deleting of registrations by email when using the search tools in the backend.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where the attendance count message would not include the count of registrations for the logged-in user for an event.
* Fix: When using the registrations overview page, the number of events shown on a single page load is now set to 10 instead of whatever the site has for the “Blog pages show at most” setting.
= 2.22.4 = February 3, 2023
* Fix: When using the confirmation condition to manually confirm all registrations, the notification email was not sending.
* Fix: For the event registration deadline setting, using the “no deadline” option was not working properly.
= 2.22.3 = January 26, 2023
* New: When there is a server side validation error, more information is given as to what form field is causing a problem.
* Fix: When using the WPML plugin and the feature that combines translated events, reports now show just the main event and not all translations separately.
* Fix: Using a form field that had a negative cost associated with it would cause PayPal to not accept the payment.
* Fix: When used in the registration form, the searchable select field would allow empty options to pass validation.
* Fix: Filtering for the logged-in author when viewing registrations was not working correctly.
* Fix: When selecting a form to edit using the form and form field editor, the selected form would not be pre-selected when the page refreshed.
* Fix: Fixed multiple MySQL errors that would occur when generating reports from the “Reports” feature.
= 2.22.2 = January 19, 2023
* Fix: The Google recaptcha field was causing a submission error when the person registering was logged-out of WordPress.
= 2.22.1 = January 17, 2023
* Fix: Entering “0” for a required number field would cause the form to show an error after submission.
= 2.22 = January 16, 2023
* New: Complete update of the PHP code that handles registration form submissions. This fixed several issues that will allow some features to work better and many more features to be added.
* New: A single confirmation and notification message can be sent for all connected guests. Configure this setting on the “Form” tab, “Connected Guests” area.
* New: Added support for a new email placeholder {connected-guest-summary} to show a customizable summary of each connected guest other than the main registration entry.
* New: Added support for a new email placeholder {party-size} to show the total number of spots being registered for.
* Fix: Fixed a PHP warning that would occur when completing a PayPal payment.
* Fix: Fixed non-recurring events not showing the event start date and end date when creating an event report.
* Fix: Fixed the search for check-in events not working correctly.
* Fix: Fixed “My Events” feature not showing recurring events that had been registered for prior to migrating events and registrations for TEC 6.0.
= 2.21.4 =
* Tweak: The number of guests the logged-in user has registered for is no longer subtracted from the attendance count display.
* Fix: While viewing registrations in the admin dashboard, filtering events by category was not working with The Events Calendar 6.0+.
* Fix: While viewing registrations in the admin dashboard, searching for events was not working with The Events Calendar 6.0+.
* Fix: The attendance count in the list view was not working for non-recurring events.
* Fix: Duplicating an event that had registrations that were migrated would result in the duplicated event also showing guests being registered for it.
= 2.21.3 =
* Tweak: Attendance count no longer subtracts the logged-in users number of guests from the overall count.
* Fix: Fixed a PHP warning that would occur in some circumstances.
* Fix: Fixed past events filter not working when viewing an overview of registrations.
* Fix: Fixed a registration migration issue that would occur when there were multiple events starting and ending at the same date and time.
* Fix: Fixed a hook disabling automatic waiting list promotion not applying to pending payments that were never completed.
= 2.21.2 =
* Fix: More enhancements for migrating registrations after events have migrated in version 6.0 of The Events Calendar.
* Fix: Fixed apostrophes and single quotes in emails causing emails not to send.
= 2.21.1 =
* Fix: Fixed PHP error due to referencing a class in The Events Calendar Pro that only exists in The Events Calendar Pro 6.0+
= 2.21 = August 28, 2022
* New: Compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0
= 2.20.2 = May 6, 2022
* Fix – Fixed a PHP error that would cause the form builder to not work when using PHP 8.0+ and not having saved form settings.
* Fix – The setting for what message appears when registration has not yet opened was not being applied.
* Fix – Registrants were unable to cancel a registration if there was no registration deadline for an event.
* Fix – For confirmation emails, the “Reply to:” email header was not being set correctly.
= 2.20.1 = April 20, 2022
* New – Added a setting on the email settings page to change the font size of email text.
* Tweak – Added PHP hook ‘rtec_after_outer_wrap’ to add custom HTML after the registration form.
* Tweak – Button text “Submit” was changed to “Save” when editing or adding a registration using the detailed view in the admin area.
* Fix – The message that appears at the top of the registration form would not use the “one left” and “join one other” messages when using the default message.
* Fix – The unregister notification email and the unregister confirmation email settings were removing some HTML and line breaks.
= 2.20 = April 6, 2022
* New – All new licensing page to make activating licenses and installing add-ons simple.
* New – Added form specific settings like main registration vs connected guest fields, the attendee list template, attendance count message, and text that appears on the form.
* New – Added an event setting to use a cost that is different than the cost display from the Events Calendar.
* New – Added the ability to change the currency of the event cost per event.
* New – The registrations plugin will now automatically detect if a registration requires a payment based on form field selections.
* New – Added several settings related to cancelling a registration such as a separate deadline for unregistering, editable templates for related emails, and a new confirmation email sent after successful unregistration.
* New – Updated some icons and color scheme.
* New – Events created in multiple languages using WPML can now share registrations and the registration limit among translations.
* Tweak – For registrations that are not confirmed but the registrations is editing a registration, the “You are already registered” message was removed to prevent confusion.
* Fix – Fixed compatability issues with PHP 8.0+
* Fix – Miscellaneous items with quotes in the label would break PayPal’s IPN verification.
* Fix – Editing a registration record would not pre-select the previously chosen venue/tier and status when using FireFox or Safari.
* Fix – The label of a single checkbox field was not translatable using WPMLs string translation tools.
* Fix – Some date formats would cause the scheduled message feature to not schedule emails.
* Fix – Attendance count message would display if registration was not yet open.
* Fix – Changed code used to add Google Calendar content to work with the latest versions of The Events Calendar.
* Fix – Several text strings were not translatable.
= 2.19.6 =
* Fix – When registering for the waiting list, the limit for the “Guest” field would use the remaining waiting list spots as the maximum instead of the limit for the guest field itself.
* Fix – Registrants would be unregistered due to non-payment before the waiting list time limit for events with a cost.
* Fix – The tool to transfer registrations to another event would not work under certain conditions.
* Fix – Changes were made to the automatic message code to improve reliability.
* Fix – “Complete payment” text was not editable.
* Fix – “Edit Registration” text was not editable.
* Fix – Additional plugin hardening.
= 2.19.5 =
* Translation – Added full French translation.
* Fix – Fixed an occasional issue with duplicate events showing up in the “My Events” tool.
* Fix – The “sort” icon was displaying for single checkbox fields when editing forms.
* Fix – When using PHP 7.4+, creating a new event that did not include automatic messages would result in a PHP error.
* Fix – Fixed a few incorrect translations for the German language file.
= 2.19.4 =
* Fix – Fixed a PHP error preventing event settings changes from saving caused by using a UTC offset as the timezone instead of an actual timezone and scheduling an automatic message.
= 2.19.3 = September 10, 2021
* NEW BREAKING CHANGE – The structure of the HTML for the multiple venues and tiers radio buttons and labels has changed to fix a visual error occurring in many themes.
* Tweak – Connected events are now included in the “My Events” feature.
* Tweak – The lowest number of “max connected guests” that can be used in the related setting is set to “2” to avoid confusion when trying to allow one main guest and one additional guest entry.
* Tweak – More details were added to the notification email when someone cancels a registration (unregisters).
* Fix – PayPal verification was tweaked due to a rare issue that would cause payments to not be marked complete.
* Fix – Incorrect text domain was causing some text to not be translatable.
* Fix – Incorrect event details were used for automatic emails that were part of connected events.
* Fix – The listed order of email templates in the confirmation email setting was reversed.
* Fix – Information about the venue for the event would be incorrect when using venues as the multiple venues and tiers selections for an event for some emails.
* Fix – Using registration forms for multiple different events on the single event page while also using the block editor to make changes would not work correctly.
= 2.19.2 = July 15, 2021
* Tweak – Changed the code related to how duplicate emails for an event are determined to prevent false errors.
* Fix – The “My Events” shortcode was not displaying all currently occurring events even when the user was registered for them.
* Fix – Scheduled messages sent relative to the start date of an event were not using the offset of event specific time zones correctly.
* Fix – Fixed PHP error that would occur when text instead of a timestamp was saved for a multiple venue or tier restriction time setting.
* Fix – Fixed PHP error that would occur when text instead of a timestamp was saved when editing form fields in the admin area containing a date.
* Fix – When using the Firefox browser, the sort icon would not be hidden initially when editing checkbox, radio, and select fields.
* Fix – German translation files had spacing related errors causing incorrect translation displays.
* Fix – In the attendee list, individual attendees would be skip to the next line unnecessarily.
* Fix – Adding a space before or after an email address would cause the email to be considered invalid.
= 2.19.1 = June 1, 2021
* New – Added a JavaScript event that is triggered after a connected guest is added “rtecafteraddconnected”.
* New – Added PHP hook “rtec_disable_notification” to dynamically disable notification emails.
* Fix – Fixed PHP warnings related to optional parameter following required parameter when using PHP version 7.4 or higher.
* Fix – Fixed a MySQL database query error related to trying to retrieve event information for a logged-in user.
* Fix – Using the member self check-in feature will check-in all connected registrations for the event.
= 2.19 = May 4, 2021
* NEW BREAKING CHANGE – Registrations that are “pending” will have 15 minutes to complete a payment or verify an email address (1 day if being promoted from the waiting list) before being automatically unregistered. You can disable this new feature on the “Form” tab, “Confirmation Conditions” setting.
* New – Improved how the automatic (scheduled) messages feature works to help users understand what messages are being sent and when.
* New – Transfer registrations to other events. Select a registration and then use the “Transfer” button at the bottom of the detailed view for an event to use this feature.
* New – More types of messages are recorded on the “Message History” tab.
* New – When searching for a registration while on the “Registrations” tab, the selected record will be highlighted and focused on in the detailed view of the event.
* Tweak – PayPal “cart” used to make each item a separate line item in PayPal. If a tax is charged, it will be used for the PayPal payment tax.
* Tweak – When sending an email manually, the “To:” field shows which registration records will receive the email instead of the email address to prevent conflicts.
* Fix – The list of connected events from the email template {connected-events} was out of order or doubling one of the events.
* Fix – Fixed multiple HTML validation errors.
* Fix – Fixed the registration cancellation confirmation button not working if the HTML on the page did not contain the ‘tribe-events’ element.
* Fix – Updated jQuery methods for compatibility with WordPress 5.7.
* Fix – MySQL error was causing details of a PayPal transaction to not be stored in the database.
* Fix – Logged-out visitors would not be able to remove a connected guest that had already been added in the databse
= 2.18.2 = April 2, 2021
* Fix – Changed styling of the registration form and attendee list for The Events Calendar version 5.5.
* Fix – Added support for including events that are ‘hidden from event listings’ in all places where events are displayed.
* Fix – When using the display type setting “Always Visible” and an event was collecting registrations for the waiting list, the waiting list notice would not display.
= 2.18.1 = Feb 3, 2021
* Fix – File upload field would not accept files if a max file size had not been set.
* Fix – In the admin area, the checkbox to change whether or not the attendance count message would display would not uncheck.
= 2.18 = January 29, 2021
* New – Added a bulk options adding tool for form fields that involve choices (radio, select, checkbox).
* New – For select fields with over 15 options, a searchable select field will replace the normal select field.
* New – Added a max file size setting for file upload fields. This setting can be configured for each of your file form fields when using the form builder.
* New – Added PHP hooks “rtec_registrations_tab_event_actions” and “rtec_reports_after_generate_button” to allow custom data exporting and custom events.
* New – Added “Max registrations” field to event fields available for reports.
* Tweak – When exporting event reports, the list of events will start with the earliest event instead of the latest.
* Tweak – PHP hook “rtec_before_the_register_button” is now executed inside the “rtec” div.
* Tweak – Changes were made to the rtec.php template.
* Tweak – The paragraph “
” tags were removed inside alert banners and the css affecting these alerts was changed to avoid spacing issues caused by some themes.
* Tweak – Waiting list text no longer added to the registration form using hooks to avoid rare issues with the wrong text being used.
* Tweak – Connected guests will now have emails that have been entered checked for duplicate entries if the check for duplicates setting is enabled and collecting email addresses for connected guests.
* Tweak – PHP function “rtec_the_registration_form” will always return instead of echo the generated HTML.
* Fix – Fixed PHP error that would occur when trying to edit a post with the block editor and The Events Calendar was inactive.
* Fix – If registration is disabled for an event, no HTML will be added to single event page.
* Fix – Placeholder setting for text area (paragraph) fields was not working.
= 2.17.1 = December 14, 2020
* Tweak – When an event has registration spots available and someone on the waiting list, a notice will appear at the top of the “detailed” view for the event.
* Tweak – Added PHP hooks “rtec_paypal_notify_url” to change the IPN url and “rtec_paypal_form_action” to change where form data goes when trying to complete a payment.
* Tweak – Duplicate email check is not triggered until a valid email is entered in the email field.
* Tweak – For events with payments, administrators will not receive a notification email if there are changes to the form responses unless payment has been completed.
* Fix – Automatic form update not working when the form was added to the page using a shortcode.
* Fix – Recaptcha field was not working when a form refreshed using the forced update feature.
= 2.17 = November 25, 2020
* New – Forms can now be duplicated when using the form builder tool.
* New – Added a feature to automatically update the registration form if the plugin detects that it’s been cached. Configure how old the form HTML needs to be for the update to be triggered on the “Form” tab, “Advanced” section.
* New – Added the ability to save presets when creating reports using the reports feature.
* New – Added button that appears by the registration count in the detailed view in the backend to filter out unconfirmed registrations when managing registration data.
* New – Payment button text color and background color can now be changed using settings on the Payments tab.
* New – Added PHP filter “rtec_email_approved_for_registration” to change conditions for approving an email for registration for an event.
* Tweak – Added padding to “Pay Now with PayPal” and manual payment buttons to match other form buttons.
* Tweak – Removed settings in the “Advanced” section that were no longer being used.
* Tweak – Changed how feature that allows logged-out edits to be done to improve reliability. Cookie based WP Sessions are used instead of PHP sessions.
* Tweak – Link to edit a registration sent in emails changed to a button and the email template switched to the more basic version.
* Fix – Improved the UI for exporting reports and allowed more than one export without refreshing the page.
* Fix – Already registered tools hidden when option enabled to check for duplicate email messages.
* Fix – Incorrect text used for button in email to edit a registration.
* Fix – Fixed a PHP warning “non-numeric value” that would occur when getting the registration deadline.
* Fix – Date fields would not work for connected guests when adding a new connected guest form.
* Fix – Textarea form fields would not work correctly when adding a connected guest.
= 2.16.2 =
* Tweak – When using the My Events feature, logged-in users can unregister from an event without leaving the page by clicking on the unregister button. Previously users would be taken to the single event page.
* Tweak – PHP hooks added “rtec_after_admin_check_in” and “rtec_after_check_in” to perform custom actions after checking an attendee in.
* Fix – Using a file upload field would sometimes cause extra elements to appear on the “Detailed” view for an event while on the Registrations tab.
* Fix – Assigning the capability “edit_rtec_registrations” would not allow users to access the Registrations page without also having the author role.
= 2.16.1 =
* Fix – Scheduled emails for connected events were not sending.
* Fix – Trying to schedule an automatic email within a few hours of the send time would not always work.
= 2.16 =
* New – Set a default confirmation email. When editing an email template, use the checkbox in the publish box “Make this the default confirmation email”.
* New – Added support for a Google Calendar link and iCal download link using the email placeholders {gcal-link} and {ical-link}.
* New – Added individual event settings for a virtual event ID and password. These will also be included in Google Calendar and iCal downloads when using the link in emails.
* Tweak – Changing the name of forms is now easier. Hover over the form title to reveal an “edit” button or just click the title to change it.
* Fix – Custom notification email templates were not working properly for connected guest registrations.
* Fix – Form field data created using a datepicker field will now use the date format from the site’s settings pages.
* Fix – Some strings were not translatable.
* Fix – Attendee list not updating automatically after a registration submission.
= 2.15.2 =
* Fix – Custom multiple venues and tiers settings would not save for recurrences created with The Events Calendar Pro.
* Fix – Notice regarding how to set up payments for events would still display even if the setting was hidden for individual events.
* Fix – Auto drafts would show up in the list of email templates when editing single events.
= 2.15.1 =
* Fix – When on the “Registrations” tab and using the “Current” event filter, events that ended on the current date would not always be included in the list.
* Fix – Changed how virtual event URLs were sanitized to prevent valid characters in the URL from being removed.
= 2.15 =
* New – Added “Virtual Event URL” event setting. Find this setting when editing an event in the “Emal” section. Use the email placeholder template {virtual-event-url} to add the plain link to email messages.
* New – Added Dutch translation file.
* Tweak – Non Registrations for the Events Calendar admin notices are removed when viewing settings pages for Registrations for the Events Calendar.
= 2.14.2 =
* Tweak – Users with the capability “edit_others_rtec_check_ins” can now use the front-end check in tool for checking attendees in.
* Tweak – When an email address is verified and the person is being added to the waiting list, the message for being successfully added to the waiting list is shown along with the message that the email address was confirmed.
* Fix – Duplicate messages were displaying when an attendee registered for an event that had a cost but was free for the attendee.
* Fix – Fixed PHP warning caused by entering text other than digits and periods when setting a custom cost or discount for a multiple venue or tier.
* Fix – Fixed MySQL error when updating from the free version which was causing an unexpected output warning.
* Fix – PHP Error caused by activating the free and pro versions of the plugin at the same time.
* Fix – Fixed PHP warning that would occur with the “My Events” feature when the check in feature was also enabled under certain circumstances.
= 2.14.1 =
* New – Added setting to change the date format for viewing registrations and in export files. Go to the settings page, “Misc” tab to find this setting.
* New – Added PHP hook “rtec_after_email_verify” for custom actions after an email address is verified.
* Tweak – Hook for filtering find and replace email templates was added later in the code to include form field data.
* Fix – When exporting a report using the “Reports” feature, registration dates would not be relative to the time zone.
* Fix – Added missing strings to .pot file for translations.
= 2.14 =
* New – Added “Registrations” Gutenberg block for adding the form to a post, page, or single event.
* New – Add PHP hook “rtec_my_events_after_event_duration” for adding content inside a “My Events” listing.
* Tweak – Added notice to the top of the registration setting to add the shortcode to the editor if using shortcode as the form location setting.
* Tweak – Added tweaks to the instructions for the “Form Location” setting found on the “Form” tab.
* Tweak – Confirmation conditions filter now works with “manual” confirmation condition.
* Tweak – Datepicker field now accepts dates up to the year 2050.
* Fix – More alerts can be translated in the admin area.
= 2.13 =
* New – Tools added to help cancel events including adding a notice, bulk cancellation, and easy bulk emailing for all registrants for an event
* Fix – Setting the message source setting to “Translations” would cause problems with custom email templates.
= 2.12 =
* NEW BREAKING CHANGE – Email message template “posts” no longer use the “edit_posts” capabilities but now have their own set. These capabilities are automatically assigned to admins, editors, and authors during this update.
* New – Added “Now Show” as a registration status. This can be used for administrative purposes.
* New – Added time availability settings for multiple venues and tiers (when using custom tiers). Choose a date range for when a tier or venue can be selected.
* New – Added the ability to add a description to a venue or tier when using the multiple venues and tiers feature.
* New – Logged-out visitors can edit registrations as if they were logged-in users. Enable this on the “Form” tab. Read this article for more information.
* Tweak – Added debug mode for payments. This will record more information if debugging needed for PayPal IPN.
* Tweak – Multiple venues and tiers HTML and styling in the form slightly restructured to make label and description easier to read.
* Tweak – Changed how HTML is generated for the payment table that displays after registration when an event has a cost.
* Tweak – Added class to attendee list wrapping HTML.
* Tweak – Changed how updating the attendee list works.
* Fix – Attendance count messages updated to display in the list view when using the new templating system in The Events Calendar 5.0.
* Fix – Registration disabled when event is password protected and a password has not been entered.
* Fix – Paragraph text input field was having line breaks removed due to sanitization code.
* Fix – Some admin text was not translatable.
* Fix – Changes to the event specific registration settings can now be previewed
= 2.11.3 =
* Tweak – Added event setting to force registrants to checkout after registering. Enable this setting if your event is free but you would still like a payment record for all registrations.
* Tweak – While using the “My Events” feature, events that have the same start and end time will display just the start time for the event instead of a range.
* Tweak – Removed the ability to register if JavaScript isn’t active in the browser. This prevents certain kinds of spam registrations.
* Tweak – Select2.js file conditionally added to the check in page to prevent conflicts with other versions of select2.js being used by other plugins.
* Fix – When editing the venue or tier for a registration, connected guest registrations were not being changed to the main venue or tier selection.
* Fix – Waiting list button text would be incorrect when multiple registration forms were on the same page.
* Fix – Some of the formatting tools were not available when using the Tiny MCE editor and sending emails manually from the “Detailed” view.
* Fix – Select2.js file conditionally added to the check in page to prevent conflicts with other versions of select2.js being used by other plugins.
* Fix – Looping through email message posts was causing the global $post object to change. This would sometimes cause problems with single event settings that appeared after the Registration for the Events Calendar Pro settings.
* Fix – File extension verification for file uploads was case sensitive causing the image file to not save.
* Fix – When creating a csv report using the “Reports” feature, files were not displaying the url for downloading or previewing in the browser.
* Fix – When using the connected guests feature and choosing to pay manually, only the main guest was receiving a confirmation/manual payment instructions email.
= 2.11.2 =
* New – Logged-in users of your site can check themselves in to events using the “My Events” feature. Disable this on the “Misc” tab of the settings pages.
* Fix – After paginating through available fields when creating a form, fields currently in the form would not be highlighted.
* Fix – Using the variable costs for “multiple venues and tiers” feature and setting the event cost to “0” for a tier would charge full price for the event.
* Fix – Waiting list registration not working properly when multiple registration forms were on the same page. Visitors would not see the normal notifications regarding how the waiting list works.
= 2.11.1 =
* Fix – Form positioning changed when using the Gutenberg block editor and placement of the form by shortcode.
* Fix – Shortcode setting “hidden=false” was not working. Form would be hidden initially.
= 2.11 =
* NOTE – Permissions/capabilities changes scheduled for 2.11 are pushed back to version 2.12. Please contact support if you would like this update sooner. Sorry for any inconvenience!
* New – Payment table now includes column “Unit Cost” as well as a total cost for each line item when the quantity being paid for is 2 or more. Translate “Unit Cost” on the “Payments” tab.
* New – Three new form field types “display”, “hidden”, and “date”. The “display” type allows you to enter your own custom text or HTML without it being attached to the form field. “Hidden” fields can be used for administrative purposes and are not visible to people registering. “Date” fields enable a date picker feature like the ones used to set the registration deadlines.
* New – Pagination and search enabled for form fields. If you have more than 15 fields, pagination options will display. If you have more than 30 fields, a search box will appear.
* New – Option to include a confirmation step for attendees that are unregistering using the unregister link. Instead of automatically being unregistered, registrants will need to click a button on your site to complete the process. Enable this on the “Form” tab.
* New – Option to display your registration forms in three ways – reveal on click, open in a pop-up modal window, or make the form always visible on the page. Change this setting on the “Form” tab.
* New – More information available with the “My Events” feature. Add include=”details” to the shortcode to show a simple table of the registrant’s data for that event. If the registrant is only on the waiting list, this will be noted in the display.
* New – Option to mark registrations where manual payment was selected as either “confirmed” or “pending”. Find this setting on the “Payments” tab.
* New – Reports can now be filtered by event category.
* New – Events on the “registration overview” page can now be filtered by category (if at least one event is assigned to some category).
* New – Options to limit the number of connected guests allowed as well as how the “Add Guest” button displays. Find these on the “Form” tab.
* New – Check in system for recording your registrant’s attendance. Use the back-end “Detailed View” or a front-end system with a shortcode added to a page. See the “Misc” tab to enable and see more information.
* New – PHP hooks for notification and confirmation message recipients, for changing what data is used to identify attendees, and how data is displayed in tables and .csv exports. See our codex.
* New – Settings for individual events can now be hidden if these are features that aren’t being used. Configure this on the “Misc” tab.
* New – Settings to change the email received when requesting an unregister link. Found on the “Email” tab.
* Tweak – Email to send a link to unregister is triggered with AJAX instead of a page refresh.
* Tweak – More attempts made to place the form somewhere in the content of the page when using the new block editor and placing the form automatically.
* Tweak – Non-verified email addresses are only highlighted when on the “Detailed” view if the confirmation condition is set to “verify email”.
* Tweak – Leaving the “Value” field blank for checkbox, radio, and select fields will force registrants to choose another field if this option is selected.
* Fix – No error message would display if Google Recaptcha field was not clicked and a form submission was attempted.
* Fix – If payments with PayPal are disabled and manual payments are enabled, the “complete payment” button for logged-in users will not display.
* Fix – Registrations when viewed on mobile devices now look more like the other WordPress tables for posts, etc…
= 2.10.4 =
* Fix – Registration settings would not save when disabling registration for an event.
* Fix – Filtering events on the Registrations tab would not show events that had registration disabled even when filter was set to show them.
= 2.10.3 =
* Tweak – Waiting list processing changed from before an unregistration was processed to after. The hook used to trigger the waiting list is now rtec_after_unregistration
* Tweak – Extra checks added to make sure event settings creation and updates are not triggered by other plugins/Gutenberg at an inappropriate time.
* Tweak – On the “Registrations” tab, connected events show event start date and time of actual event rather than the first connected event.
* Tweak – Using a “quantity” type of validation for a form field will force the field type to be “Number”.
* Tweak – While managing registrations using the admin area “Detailed” view of an event, checkboxes for selecting bulk entries to edit are unchecked when the page refreshes.
* Fix – On the “Registrations” tab, connected events that were not the first event were showing “0” for the attendance count.
* Fix – Custom selected notification email template not used when someone edited his or her own registration using the registration form.
= 2.10.2 =
* Tweak – Setting notification recipients setting on the “Email” tab to blank will disable notifications unless a custom notification is added when editing each event individually.
* Fix – Notification and confirmation emails sent twice for events that required confirming an email address or completing payment.
* Fix – Less than 10 events displaying in the “Overview” on a single page.
* Fix – Features that used the date picker would have errors when converting selected times.
= 2.10.1 =
* Tweak – Message “No events yet.” displays on pages using
* Fix – Text for the word “Guests” not applying to forms for events using the connected registrations feature in the heading above the fields.
* Fix – “Child” posts of events that were not events themselves were included in the list of start dates for connected events that had connected recurrences.
* Fix – Check added to make sure the {payment-table} template for email messages was using the correct connected registrations.
* Fix – Some details of the receipt were missing when sending them manually from the “Detailed” view.
* Fix – Formatting of html lists was adding extra space when loading a custom email template to send manually while on the “Visual” tab.
* Fix – Fixed PHP undefined index warning when viewing registrations that did not have an assigned “parent”.
* Fix – Fixed PHP undefined index warning when creating a new form.
* Fix – Connecting recurring events would only work for a portion of them.
* Fix – Error with welcome page redirect under certain circumstances.
= 2.10 =
* New – Multiple connected guest registrations available when registering. See [our guide](https://roundupwp.com/faq/can-attendees-register-one-person/) for help getting started.
* New – View configurable reports for events and/or attendees and export them to a .csv file. This is found on the “Registrations” tab, “Reports” sub-tab.
* New – View a list of the latest registrations starting with the most recent. This is found on the “Registrations” tab, “Latest” sub-tab.
* New – Registration tools available for forms created using shortcodes. Use showtools=”true” to enable this with your shortcode.
* New – Button added to manually process the waiting list in the dashboard. Will display at the bottom of the attendee table for events that have spots available and people on the waiting list in the “Detailed” view.
* New – Connect manually created registrations to a user. When adding or editing a registration, the plugin will attempt to match an entered email address to an existing user and give the option to connect.
* New – Sort events in the “Overview” by current, past, or recent hidden events.
* New – Significant changes to the form.php and field.php templates. Added field-group.php template.
* Tweak – Settings from The Events Calendar related to date format used throughout the plugin.
* Tweak – Custom JS action priority changed to 20 to prevent conflicts with some themes.
* Tweak – Warning added above the start and end date settings when changing recurring event’s schedule. Changes can cause non-recoverable issues existing registrations.
* Fix – Multiple messages were displaying when joining a waiting list.
* Fix – File upload field not connecting registration to uploaded file when saving to the media folder.
* Fix – Several fixes for translatable text and dates.
* Fix – “My Events” feature was not including currently occurring events since The Events Calendar 4.9.
* Fix – Checkbox and radio field labels changed to display inline to prevent them going to the next line on the page.
* Fix – Checkbox and radio fields will have empty values displayed as a dash to prevent server-side validation problems.
* Fix – Some fields unavailable when creating an attendee list using a shortcode.
= 2.9.6 =
* Fix – Automatic messages were including people on the “waiting list” for events.
* Fix – Custom email subjects not working for automatic messages.
* Fix – Message history for messages sent manually and automatically would be incorrect.
= 2.9.5 =
* Tweak – Attendee list automatically refreshed after a successful registration.
* Fix – Email template {venue-or-tier} not working for automatic messages.
* Fix – Fixed users with permission edit_rtec_forms unable to edit forms that they created.
* Fix – Welcome page updated to work with CSS changes in WordPress 5.2.
= 2.9.4 =
* Fix – Events displaying out of order on “Registrations” tab and “My Events” list, when using version 4.9 of The Events Calendar.
* Fix – Registration date when exporting to .csv file showing incorrect format and time.
= 2.9.3 =
* Tweak – Unregistration is processed before the form is created to show an accurate attendee list.
* Fix – Attendance count messages would display even if registration was disabled for an event.
* Fix – Setting to disable user prefilling would not work if users were not allowed to register more than once.
* Fix – PHP warning if including event cost in an email template that had no cost and also had discounts applied.
= 2.9.2 =
* Fix – Waiting list promotion email was not including the link to unregister.
* Fix – The “unregister” button on the My Events list would not unregister the user.
= 2.9.1 =
* Fix – Tiers using the multiple venues and tiers feature with no limit set would incorrectly report the tier was full during registration.
* Fix – The attendance count would be incorrect for venues and tiers when not counting unconfirmed registrations towards the registration limit.
= 2.9 =
* NEW BREAKING CHANGE – Using “Translations” for the message source will now allow the use of custom email templates. If you were using this setting without also using WMPL, your confirmation/notification emails will change.
* New – “My Events” feature now available through the use of a shortcode ‘rtec-my-events’ so logged-in users can view upcoming events they are registered for or past events they attended.
* New – Form fields can now be translated using WPML. See [our guide](https://roundupwp.com/faq/guide-configuring-wpml-multi-language-forms/) for help getting started.
* New – Added email template {complete-payment-button} that will add a button to emails that allows attendees to complete payments with a single click. Useful for events with waiting lists that also require payment.
* New – Added more granular user capabilities. Using the capability “edit_posts” and “edit_others_tribe_events” will change in version 2.11. Use [our guide](https://roundupwp.com/faq/guide-using-roles-capabilities-registrations/) to update your existing users so they won’t lose the ability to access some features.
* New – Display attendance counts or spots remaining above the registration button or above the content in the “List” view of events. Enable on the “Form” tab.
* New – Added setting to remove Multiple Venues and Tiers attendance/limit note.
* New – Added filter for modifying email headers with PHP.
* New – UI improvements including hints and explanations as to how some settings work.
* Tweak – Registrations saved in the database before confirmation and notification emails are sent.
* Tweak – Users that can manage registrations will be redirected once from the Registrations page to a welcome page explaining new features in major updates.
* Tweak – License is verified every time the license page is visited to prevent confusion when copying from a development/staging site.
* Fix – Timezone offset incorrect for event start as deadline.
* Fix – Registration limit could be passed if two visitors register at the same time.
* Fix – Attendee list generated from a shortcode would not display the waiting list.
* Fix – Payment table would also be hidden if event meta was hidden with CSS.
* Fix – Find and replace templates for custom form fields in custom forms would not be replaced with the appropriate value when sending after a payment completion.
* Fix – “Pay Now with PayPal” button would still display when PayPal disabled but using manual payments with certain settings combinations.
= 2.8.2 =
* Tweak – All organizer email addresses notified instead of just the first organizer when using the “always notify organizer” setting.
* Tweak – Changed how send time is compared with actual time when sending automatic emails.
* Tweak – {event-cost} email template now uses function “tribe_get_cost” as replacement value.
* Fix – Notification email sent twice for attendee verifying an email address for the first time.
* Fix – Attendee input for paragraph (textarea) fields wouldn’t autopopulate when editing in the “Detailed View”.
* Fix – Attendee list created using the shortcode ‘rtec-attendee-list’ would not display waiting list.
* Fix – Added CSS to ensure payment table is displayed even if event meta box is hidden.
= 2.8.1 =
* New – Added another option to apply no formatting to phone numbers. Phone numbers would then display as the attendee entered them on the form.
* Tweak – button-generic.php template changed to accommodate attendees verifying an email address while on the waiting list.
* Tweak – For events with connections, each occurrence of the connected event or events is displayed on the “Registrations” tab.
* Fix – Multiple forms would display on the single event page when multiple elements had the class “tribe-events-single-event-description”
* Fix – Incorrect messages and confirmation conditions when someone registering for the waiting list also needed to verify an email address.
* Fix – “Waiting List” feature would not allow guests to be added to the waiting list if the guest field was required.
* Fix – “Waiting List” notification was not being used when someone registered for the waiting list.
* Fix – PHP error when using front-end caching and form html was generated from a cache.
* Fix – “Email Selected” button only working while on “Form Submissions” tab when using the “Detailed View” for registrations.
* Fix – Using the label “Title” for a field would cause errors when saving registration data.
* Fix – Only “pending” registrations could be manually confirmed with the “Confirm Selected” button when using the “Detailed View” for registrations.
* Fix – When displaying “any” registrations in the attendee list, waiting list registrants would be added to the list twice.
* Fix – Notification sent after an edit would not replace all form field templates.
= 2.8 =
* New – Visitors can register for the “Waiting list” once an event has filled. Registrants on the waiting list will automatically be promoted to the regular attendee list in the event someone unregisters. Enable this for all events by default on the “Form” tab or individually when editing an event.
* New – More ways to customize the attendee list using templating. Go to the “Form” tab “Attendee List” area to change how the attendee list displays and what fields are included.
* New – File upload fields can now be used to collect files when someone registers. This field can be configured to add files to the media library or to be sent in the notification email only if the upload is considered sensitive.
* New – Better support for Multi-site including the creation of custom database tables for each site.
* New – Notification emails can be set for each event individually.
* New – Setting to mark all payments verified by IPN response as “complete” even if still pending in PayPal. Enable on the “Payments” tab, “PayPal Advanced” section.
* New – Added PHP hooks for additional customization. See our [codex](https://roundupwp.com/docs/codex/).
* New – Added capability “edit_others_rtec_registrations” to allow a user to manage everything on the “Registration” page.
* Tweak – Additional information included in the notice of unregistration email.
* Tweak – Additional check before sending automatic messages to make sure it is not a duplicate.
* Tweak – When using automatic placement for the form on the single event page, form is added to the html using the wp_footer hook and moved with JavaScript.
* Tweak – When exporting payment information, additional data from the attendee is added in the csv file.
* Tweak – Registration “status” now included as part of the csv export.
* Tweak – Absolute limit of text responses in form fields raised from 1000 to 50000.
* Tweak – Pagination of events while on the “Registrations” tab added before and after the events and changed to match WordPress styling.
* Tweak – Forms can now be deleted while creating forms and form fields.
* Tweak – Attendee list now ordered by earliest registration date.
* Tweak – Pagination for viewing registrations for a single event and exporting now set at 500 by default. If viewing or exporting registrations is slow or causing server timeouts, use the filter rtec_regs_per_page to change this to a lower number.
* Tweak – Shortcode will now display “Already registered?” tools when used and enabled for an event.
* Fix – “Already registered?” tool would display even when registration was disabled for an event.
= 2.7.4 =
* Tweak – “to:” in the subject of an email will not cause the subject text to be considered untrusted.
* Fix – Emails not factoring additional costs for total payment amount and payment tables.
* Fix – London or UTC+0 time zones would have incorrect offsets for registration open times.
* Fix – PHP warning when no label saved for multiple venues and tiers feature.
= 2.7.3 =
* Tweak – More precise automatic placement of the form to fit better with most themes in The Events Calendar 4.7+.
* Fix – Added support for older versions of the single-event.php customizations. If the registration button is not displaying for an event, try enabling the setting “I’m using a custom single-event.php file in my theme” on the form tab.
= 2.7.2 =
* Fix – Unable to save or update a text field when creating form fields.
* Fix – Incorrect message would display when creating automatic messages under certain circumstances.
= 2.7.1 =
* Fix – Changed the name of the action according to differences between beta version of The Events Calendar 4.7 and official release.
= 2.7 =
* New – Added the option of using a shortcode, ‘rtec-registration-form’, to place the registration form anywhere on the single event page. Change the “Form Location” setting on the “Form” tab to “Shortcode” to use this feature.
* New – Changed how the form is placed on the single event page to work with The Events Calendar 4.7 and WordPress 5.0.
= 2.6.2 =
* Fix – WPML active causing unexpected use of translation files.
= 2.6.1 =
* New – Additional hook and functions for dynamically setting the currency code for payments ‘rtec_currency_code’.
* Fix – First Venue/Tier was always preselected when editing a registration on the “Detailed” view of the “Registrations” tab rather than the current venue/tier of the attendee.
* Fix – Missing translation for Venue/Tier “Overview” view of the “Registrations” tab.
* Fix – Extra column was showing up for Venue/Tier dropdown on the “Overview” page of the “Registrations” tab.
= 2.6 =
* New – A log-in form is displayed for logged-out visitors if an event is for logged-in users only. Disable this on the “Form” tab “Logged-in users” section.
* New – More options for automatic messages including the ability to send at a specific date/time and the ability to send messages after an event has passed.
* New – Additional PHP and JavaScript actions added.
* Tweak – Notification emails only sent after a user has met the confirmation conditions. Have notification emails always sent immediately by enabling the setting on the “Form” tab “Advanced” section.
* Tweak – Editors can now edit forms and form fields.
= 2.5.2 =
* New – Additional hook added for adding content after the checkout table ‘rtec_after_payment_table’.
* New – Added JavaScript event triggered after an AJAX form submission ‘rtecsubmissionajax’.
* Tweak – When using the “check for duplicate emails” feature, attendees entering their email addresses will not be prevented from changing the email while the duplicate check is processing.
* Tweak – Editors are now allowed to make changes to registration forms.
* Fix – Event costs containing commas would cause incorrect calculations.
* Fix – Refunds in PayPal would trigger an addition confirmation email to be sent to person being refunded.
* Fix – Special characters in event titles would break PayPal IPN verification.
= 2.5.1 =
* Fix – Single-checkbox form field always adding the extra cost even when not selected.
= 2.5 =
* New – Add additional costs for events using form fields. Follow [our guide](https://roundupwp.com/faq/adding-additional-costs-form-fields/).
* New – Tax and Surcharges can be applied to the total cost of an event. Find settings for this on the “Payments” tab.
* New – Connect multiple events to allow attendees to register and pay for a series of related events. Recurring events can all be connected if using The Events Calendar Pro. See how this works [here](https://roundupwp.com/faq/allow-attendees-register-multiple-events/).
* Tweak – Clicking on the “List” view type for viewing registrations in the overview will have that view used by default for that user.
* Tweak – Attendee list will be hidden if there are no attendees.
* Tweak – Venues now for Multiple Venues and Tiers feature can now be searched and selected.
* Fix – PHP warning when trying to format numbers under certain circumstances.
* Fix – PHP warning when using Google’s recaptcha field and also using translation files for message text.
* Fix – JSON AJAX responses trimmed to prevent false positives for errors.
* Fix – Icon font file not included on edit event page.
= 2.4 =
* New – Support for Google’s Recaptcha Version 2 spam prevention. Follow [these directions](https://roundupwp.com/faq/get-google-recaptcha-api-key/) to retrieve and use Google’s API keys and start using this feature.
* New – More email templates added: {start-date}, {start-time}, {end-date}, {end-time}, {organizer-link}, and {event-url}.
* New – Single checkbox form field type added. Makes opt-in terms and conditions fields easy to create and use.
* New – Have a simple notification email sent after an attendee elects to pay manually for an event.
* Tweak – Organizer names included for events on the “Registrations” tab.
* Tweak – Most HTML now allowed for your messages such as the “Please log-in to register”, “Successful registration”, and “Successful unregistration” messages.
* Tweak – Duplicate payment records displayed differently to make less confusing.
* Tweak – Error recording for verification errors/issues from PayPal.
* Fix – PHP warning displayed on form creator page after updating from the “free” version.
* Fix – Not all email templates supported when sending confirmation message after manual payment selection.
* Fix – Legend not hiding for email templates on email settings page.
* Fix – Server-side form validation errors causing blank payment table to display instead of error message.
* Fix – Phone field being filled in by email field on the Registrations tab when no data found for phone number.
* Fix – Escaping slashes not removed for form error messages.
* Fix – Spaces in email addresses causing inappropriate server-side validation errors.
* Fix – Event costs displaying beyond two decimal places in email templates.
= 2.3.1 =
* Fix – Custom database table prefixes causing MySQL error when using the plugin after upgrading from the free version.
* Fix – Option to enable PayPal payments could not be disabled and saved.
= 2.3 =
* New – “Welcome” page to explain new features. All feature updates will redirect to the welcome page automatically.
* New – “My Events” menu item and page for members of your site added. Users can view and even export their registrations from the dashboard.
* New – View/manage all registrations for an email address. Search for an email address on the “Registrations” tab and then click the email as a link to view them.
* New – Count only confirmed registrations toward the registration total for an event. Enable this setting on the “Form” tab “General Settings” section.
* New – Notify organizer for an event by default. Enable this setting on the “Email” tab “Notification Email” section.
* New – Expanded support for manual payments. Include directions and a custom email when attendees elect to pay manually or pay at the event.
* New – Added caching feature to display a cache version of the registration form to logged-out visitors. Enable on the “Form” tab.
* Tweak – Changed check for duplicate email feature to check on “input” instead of on “keyup” to ensure compatibility with browser form prefill features.
* Tweak – Added notice in dashboard area for admins if license is about to expire or has expired.
* Tweak – JavaScript file added to the page only on pages that have a registration form.
* Fix – Numbers with decimals being rounded under certain circumstances.
* Fix – Ajax call made to retrieve email message template data when not needed.
* Fix – Changed CSS styling of buttons to prevent theme conflicts.
* Fix – Changed default message “Registrations are closed” to “Registration is closed…”.
* Fix – Email html template centered instead of left justified.
= 2.2.2 =
* Fix – Fixed potential security vulnerability – Thanks for pointing this out [Liam Bole](https://www.linkedin.com/in/liam-bohl/).
* Fix – Confirmation email would not include ical URL, unregister link, and event start date when sent after an email address was verified.
* Fix – Permission setting “edit_others_tribe_events” not allowing access to some menus.
= 2.2.1 =
* New – Shortcode support for displaying the attendee list elsewhere on your site. Use the shortcode ‘rtec-attendee-list event=”123″‘.
* New – Support for including the attendee list when using the registration form shortcode. Use the shortcode ‘rtec-registration-form event=”123″ attendeelist=true’.
* Tweak – Support for role “edit_others_tribe_events” to view and edit all events and registrations.
* Tweak – Changed styling of admin area for easier reading.
* Tweak – Changed how new form fields are identified to prevent submission errors.
* Tweak – Changed email validation regular expression to recognize real email addresses that were being marked as invalid.
* Tweak – Added error reporting in the event a form submission is marked as invalid by the server after passing validation in the browser.
* Fix – Error sending email message not displaying when emails were not able to be sent.
* Fix – Multiple Venues and Tiers specific to an event now has an infinite limit.
* Fix – Changed name of spam honeypot field to avoid browsers automatically filling in a value.
* Fix – {event-cost} email template showing as blank.
= 2.2 =
* New – Discount system for members and the “multiple venues/tiers” feature. Read about it [here](https://roundupwp.com/faq/guide-paypal/).
* New – Setting for custom formatting of phone numbers. Read about it [here](https://roundupwp.com/faq/format-phone-numbers/).
* New – Ability to set a “Registrations open on date” to restrict when attendees can begin registering. Find this setting on the “Edit Event” page for a single event.
* New – “Dismiss New” button for quick way to remove icons indicating new registrations in the back-end.
* New – Email templating available for “Notification From Name” setting.
* New – Added several hooks to allow more specialized customization.
* New – Added translation files for Italian (it_IT). Thanks Nicola!
* Tweak – Replying to a notification email will reply to registrant’s email if the email is available.
* Tweak – JavaScript for the form is wrapped in a function for better portability.
* Tweak – Added extra check for verifying that a registrant is logged-in for events restricted to logged-in users.
* Tweak – Automatic messaging system refactored and made more robust.
* Fix – When editing a registration on the single event page, “unregister” button would not find a record when one did exist.
* Fix – Events with partial dollar amounts would round down.
= 2.1.2 =
* Tweak – Better legend for email templating fields.
* Tweak – Added extra check for verifying that a registrant is logged-in for events restricted to logged-in users.
* Fix – Improved recurring event detection for automatic message scheduling.
* Fix – Better filtering of events in the “Overview” when registrations are disabled by default.
* Fix – Some messages appearing in the wrong part of the page when displaying the form with a shortcode.
* Fix – Radio fields and checkbox fields not showing a logged-in user’s selections when editing a registration.
= 2.1.1 =
* Fix – Recurring events that begin with an event that has passed would not schedule automatic messages for future events in that recurrence. To fix this for an existing recurring event, do the following: Go to the dashboard. For each recurring event series, click “Events”->”Edit All”, Schedule automatic messages using the usual tool, then click “Update” on the Event Edit page.
= 2.1 =
* New – Pagination for large events (50+) in the “Detailed View”. If your event has more than 50 attendees, you can view registrations 50 at a time and download CSV exports in pages.
* Tweak – More time added before checking for duplicate emails when a user fills out the email field on the registration form
* Tweak – Users with the role “Author” will only be able to view and edit registrations for events they are the author of.
* Tweak – Already registered members will be prompted to complete payment if they edit a registration for an event where payments are accepted.
* Fix – Form would not submit when a member was editing their entry, made changes to the email, and the setting “Check for duplicate emails” was in use.
* Fix – Scheduling of automatic messages more reliable for recurring events. If you have The Events Calendar Pro installed, use recurring events, and have automatic messages attached to the recurring events, do the following: Go to the dashboard. For each recurring event series, click “Events”->”Edit All” then click “Update” on the Event Edit page.
= 2.0.3 =
* Fix – Upgrading from free version would not add the correct columns to the database.
* Fix – Registrations were not able to be disabled for an event under certain circumstances.
= 2.0.2 =
* Fix – Registrations that were “unregistered” were not displaying in the “Detailed View” if no confirmed registrations were made for the event.
* Fix – The attendance message above the form fields was not being hidden even when the option to hide it was in use.
* Fix – Emails from “unregistered” attendees were being counted as duplicates.
= 2.0.1 =
* Fix – Relative registrations deadlines were not factoring time zone.
* Fix – Some registration options were available to logged-in users even after the registration deadline.
* Fix – Limited the number of characters in certain indices to prevent issues with older MySQL versions.
= 2.0 =
* See all of what’s new in version 2.0 on our [website](https://roundupwp.com/pro-2-0-update/).
= 1.3.5 =
* Tweak – Registration deadline calculated using UTC timestamp converted to local time.
* Tweak – Registration date relative to timezone when exporting registrations.
* Fix – Manual translations of the label for recaptcha fields were not being applied.
= 1.3.4 =
* Tweak – Text domain switched from “registrations-for-the-events-calendar-pro” to “registrations-for-the-events-calendar” for consistency and compatibility with translations offered in the free version
* Fix – French, Russian, and Spanish translations updated and fixed.
* Fix – gettext calls fixed and updated for all strings.
= 1.3.3 =
* New – Custom email templates added to theme directory now supported
* Tweak – Date formatting more dynamic. Date format saved on the “Email” tab will be used in the admin area in some situations.
* Tweak – “Value” field when creating a new radio/select/checkbox option now defaults to the label’s text
* Tweak – When checking for duplicate email addresses while a visitor is filling out the form, the submit button is disabled while the visitor is typing.
* Fix – Submit button is disabled while processing a submission to prevent duplicate submissions.
* Fix – Spacing of error messages has been improved for mobile devices.
* Fix – ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION when exporting registrations for events with commas in the title has been fixed.
* Fix – Incorrect file path for the loading .gif when checking for duplicate emails.
= 1.3.2 =
* Fix – “Select” dropdown fields can now force the user to select an option by leaving the value for the first option blank. The field also needs to be required
* Fix – Animations and styling of the form builder now give better feedback as to what is being saved
= 1.3.1 =
* New – See [documentation](https://roundupwp.com/docs/) for new hooks for developers.
* New – Notification message is now an HTML email. You can use the tiny mce editor to create custom notification emails on the “Email” tab.
* Tweak – Some CSS changes to the form help form elements look better in some themes.
* Tweak – Slight changes in the admin area styling
* Tweak – Replying to registration notifications will go use the registrant’s address as the reply-to field
* Fix – No animation or feedback when unregistering while editing an entry that did not also allow mvt and form editing
= 1.3 =
* New – Several styling/UI improvements for the settings pages. Some options reordered for a more logical flow. Asterisks added by settings that can be set for each event.
* New – “Guests” input field can now be set to include the person registering or be used as a “total in party” count. See [the related FAQ](https://roundupwp.com/faq/guests-field/)
* New – “Unregister” link on the single event page now uses ajax instead of a page refresh. Notification email also includes the email of the person unregistering.
* New – Field added to set specific date and times for deadlines for each event. Find this on the “edit event” screen or in the event options drop-down menu on the “Register” tab.
* Tweak – If the form is filled out incorrectly, the registrant will be scrolled to the field with the first error automatically
* Tweak – If “The Events Calendar” is not active, notice appears at the top of the admin page to notify the user that “The Events Calendar” needs to be activated.
* Fix – Incorrect feedback being given when sending multiple manual emails. Now message is added for which emails were successful and which weren’t.
* Fix – Incorrect event ID in shortcode examples.
= 1.2.4 =
* Tweak – Automatic email reminders now allow using custom data and more user data.
* Fix – Automatic emails would schedule but not send under certain conditions.
= 1.2.3 =
* Tweak – Notice added to “Guests” field with a link to explain how the field works. You can [read it here](https://roundupwp.com/faq/guests-field/)
* Fix – Radio field would always submit the last option
* Fix – Radio and checkbox field labels has improper “for” attributes not allowing the field to be selected by clicking on the label
* Fix – No option available to change the “You are already registered for this event” message to logged-in users who had already registered for an event. This is now available under the “Logged-in Users” settings area.
* Fix – Updating html after a field would sometimes cause a MySQL error not allowing the field to update properly.
* Fix – PHP notice would appear when creating a new event.
= 1.2.2 =
* Fix – Guest limit relative to number of registrations remaining now enforced whether or not the field is required
= 1.2.1 =
* Fix – Form would allow a visitor to register for more guests than the registration limit should allow
= 1.2 =
* New – Added actions and filters to the backend views, some actions and hooks for form creation and processing
* New – Added a table to the database to provide more efficient form data retrieval
* New – Ability to delete custom form fields that have been created
* New – Recaptcha field not included in form for logged-in users
* Tweak – Some color schemes have been changed for more contrast
* Tweak – “Overview” now initially hides individual “multiple venues and tiers” registrations
* Tweak – “Overview” now shows icons and shading for unconfirmed and user registrations
* Fix – Email data templates with apostrophes and quotes not working for manual custom email
* Fix – Single and double quotes were encoded in email subjects
* Fix – PHP warning when processing form submission without javascript
* Fix – Performance improvements overall for form processing, backend registration viewing
= 1.1.1 =
* Fix – Issue with confirmation from address not being used in situations it should
= 1.1 =
* New – Allow custom “from address” and notification recipients for individual events
* New – Check for duplicate emails before allowing guest to register. This can be enabled on the “Form” tab. This adds a check to see if the input for the email field is a valid email and that it doesn’t match an existing email for a registration for the event.
* New – Users with the “edit posts” privilege can now manage registrations in the backend. Only administrators can change options still.
= 1.0.5 =
* Fix – Form fields updating inconsistently in older versions of Safari
* Fix – Saving a newly generated field twice would duplicate instead of updating
= 1.0.4 =
* New – Option to limit the attendee list to logged-in users only
* Tweak – “unregister” and “email confirmed” notices moved before the title on the website
= 1.0.3 =
* Fix – Templating for confirmation, confirm email, reminder, and custom notifications now fixed
= 1.0.2 =
* Fix – Templating for confirmation emails were not working in all situations
= 1.0.1 =
* Fix – Recaptcha field was saving as a text field when the name was changed
= 1.0 =
* Release